April 11, 2000
Hello Folks:
I love the feedback regarding adoration. A powerful happening I did not understand 5 years
ago: I was away from the church for 30 years due to problems I had with life, one period of
time I had a falling out with a priest in anger and later on when my son was born with
cerberal palsy (29 yeas ago). I was bitter with God for giving me a crippled kid.
My wife bailed out when my son was 2 yrs old. Left me cold with a boy who even today
cannot speak or walk and has to be changed. He still has his grand maul seizures and
has to seatbelted in his wheelchair. I was not into God at all.
Well a friend at work named Tony, had just returned from a trip to Medjugorje for his
first time. He took a photo of the Virgin Mary up on Cross Mountain while he was
standing in the backyard of the visionary Vicka. He showed me the photo. I was
overwhelmed with what I saw. I knew it was not a fake or something that was a fluke.
It was real.
I was so moved at what I saw and from all of the info I read up on I got from my friend
Tony who turned me on to Medjugorje. Well, the following year I went with my friend to
Medjugorje and had the honor of staying at Vicka's home.
While I was there in the village, the rosary which I had taken for a friend to get it
blessed turned golden color in the links of the rosary. I saw the sun spin around and
to this very day I can stop, look at the sun, anytime, anywhere. And I have only one
eye that has sight, and I am also color blind and I can look up and gaze at the sun
for any period of time I choose without any injury to my eye. I told this to my eye
doctor and he freaked. But its all true.
Also while I was staying at Vicka's home during her apparations the whole house had
the fragrance of roses... I also helped a blind gentlemen climb up the apparation hill
without ever falling down on the trail going up or coming down. You have to climb this
hill to appreciate just how hard it is to climb.
I saw many wonderful things, indeed. But the true highlite was when I went to my very
first adoration in St. James church in Medjugorje. Up until this time, anyone would
have, as I, was overwhelmed on the graces and miracles that were given to me and to
me only. But when I went inside that church and saw, for my very first time, adoration
taken place. It just made my heart ache.
I know God is everywhere in our lives but I felt at that moment He was here in my
presence. I broke down in tears... I couldn't stop. I finally figured out what happened
to me. It was our Mother Mary who brought me back to Her Son. She does not want any
attention focused on Her as She wants it focused on Her Son Jesus. She brought me back
home to Her Son... Our Father... I was so moved by what took place I read up on its
meaning and now I go to Mass everyday to receive the Host. This is the highlite of my
day. Everything else is secondary.
The thing I found out also is that I am not alone. God does exist. God cares for each
and every one of us. No matter how long we were away from Him and His family. He gave
me a little gift like looking at the sun to show me something only God can give. Man,
by rights, cannot look at the sun. Well I know many today who can and I found out you
do not have to be in Medjugorje to receive this gift. I have helped 3 different folks
receive this gift thru our Lord. They, today, can do this also. I showed them in front
of our chruch right after the Mass was over with. Only God can do this for me.
I am just an instrument and a messenger now. I have been to Medjugorje now three times.
Its like a mini-heaven to me. As time went on I learned now that my Son is my teacher
and I learn from him, especially patience. I know now when I am in Mass and the priest
lifts up the Host or wine. I bow down in humility. He is right there. I get all teary
eyed during every Mass now. I finally understand what the purpose is. To have lunch
with our Lord. To share some time with Him in His house. Not behind closed doors. He
is out in the open for all to see and enjoy.
It's a good thing...
God bless you all.
Bruce Heitz